L’univers de Jacques Leniel, jeune policier a qui tout semblait reussir, bascule lorsque son partenaire et ami est froidement abattu sous ses yeux.
Jacques Laniel and Thomas Colin were two great cops. Colin was the unlucky one. When Colin is murdered, Laniel resigns the force to become a private investigator and vows to track down the killers who gunned down his partner and bring them to justice. While investigating a seemingly unrelated murder, Laniel stumbles upon a tangled web of intrigue centered on a halfway house owned by Zachary Osborne, the victim. Nicknamed “Murderer’s Haven”, the sinister building houses killers on probation waiting to re-enter society. Now rehabilitated, they are still ruled by their obsessions, their deviant impulses and their rage. Every one of these criminals had a motive for wanting Osborne dead. For example, Mercier; he knew Osborne had been fooling around with his wife. Or Tanguay, who would have loved to make him pay for the abuse Carole Osborne had to suffer at the hands of her cruel husband. More importantly, all the tenants at “Murderer’s Haven” had one thing in common: they were victims of Osborne’s blackmail scheme involving their police records. Laniel uncovers an intricate conspiracy tying together his partner’s “execution” and Osborne’s murder which takes him deep into the heart of corruption and drug dealing. But the nightmare is only beginning. He’ll soon discover murderers can come in many shapes and forms as well as his own.